Saturday, May 9, 2020

Comfort Food on a Snow Day in May

When it is a snowy day in May and you are still self-isolating because there is a pandemic going on.  Sometimes you just need comfort food,  no fuss, no muss.  No fancy recipes just old fashion comfort food.

Today,  that was the order of the day.  Now I did start the day making cookies from a new recipe, but I will get to that later.

For lunch it was the quintessential comfort food on a stormy day - Cream of Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwich.

I used canned tomatoes to make the Cream of Tomato Soup and sounding like a very bad dietitian Grilled Cheese Sandwiches have to be made on white bread!  Good white bread, but no multi-grain stuff.  I had a mixture of cheddar and marble to go into my Grilled Cheese - a few minutes in the pan and I had yummy goodness that made the day seem oh so much better.

Add to that a Double Chocolate Cookie and a cup a tea - what better way to spend a snowy afternoon.

The napkin was wishful thinking of what hopefully will be the future 😁

The Double Chocolate Cookies were from Chocopologie by Fritz Knipschlot with Mary Goodbody.

This is a new cookbook in my collection.  A christmas gift, it is actually the first time I made anything out of it.  It offers a wide selection of ways to enjoy chocolate from cookies to cakes, pies to truffles, chocolate drinks and even chocolate covered bacon!  It is a nice addition to my chocolate cookbook collection - a sub section of my cookbook collection.  I will be reaching for it again soon to make something else.

The cookies themselves were nice and fudgy with a dense chocolate flavour without being overlay sweet.  A definite keeper.  I think I will go enjoy another cookie with my tea and watch the snow fall!

Out my front door - May 9

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